Replace ordinary spell check with a game that helps kids learn faster!
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Spell check has removed valuable challenges from the learning environment. Respellr replaces spellcheck in Google Docs with a gamified alternative just for kids featuring customized word games and analytics for parents and teachers.
Our Mission
Accelerate Learning through
Adds a fun twist to learning
Adds valuable friction to the learning environment
Seamlessly integrates with your student's existing workflow in Google Docs/Classroom
Automatically provides help for your student's specific spelling needs
Provides customized reports and learning tools for students, teachers and parents
How Does it
Replaces traditional spell check in Google Docs with customized word games. This new approach makes homework fun and teaches students strategies to become better spellers.
As they learn, students can see their points accumulate. Teachers and parents can track progress and focus learning where students actually need it.
Students can build teams of their friends.
Teachers get real insights into how their class
is learning as a whole.
Choose the plan
that’s best for you
Your subscription includes:
  • Easy to use software which replaces spell check in Google Docs with customized word games
  • Automatic tracking of spelling errors directly from student’s existing workflow
  • Dashboards and reporting tools for parents, teachers and students showing mastered words, challenge words, scoring and more!
  • Students can build teams of their friends
  • Parent account comes free with student account so you can watch your child learn and grow
Billed Monthly
$9.99/Mo *
Billed Once for the Year
(30% Discount vs. Monthly billing)
$83.88/Yr ($6.99/Mo)
teacher accounts
are always free!
*More than one student at home?
Additional students on the same account receive an additional 10% discount.
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Let`s level up this school
year with respellr!
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How much does Respellr cost?

You have the option of paying for your student's account on a monthly or a yearly basis (with a discount). The monthly billing plan is $9.99 per month (totaling $119.88 per year).

The annual billing plan is $83.88 per year ($6.99 per month -- a discount of 30%) which will be billed once per year. Additional student accounts at the same household receive a 10% discount off of either the monthly or annual billing plans.

Parent and Teacher accounts are free with a student account and provide insights and analytics into progress.

Why should I choose Respellr?

In today’s digital world, students are moving away from hand-writing assignments, and increasing the use of online learning tools.

Spell check tools are everywhere and, by automatically providing corrections, they remove valuable challenge which is needed for students to learn to spell!

Respellr replaces traditional spell check with an alternative designed just for kids. Misspelled words are stored and used to provide customized word games for the student and analytics for parents and teachers.

What are Respellr Memberships?

Once your parent and student accounts are activated, you will be able to download and install Respellr.

Respellr replaces the traditional spell check tool in Google Docs (used by students around the world as part of Google Classroom) with a new spell check tool designed just for kids.

Once installed, misspelled words are no longer identified in Google Docs. Instead, once a student is done with their work, they can run Respellr (directly in Google Docs) and their document will be checked for spelling errors.

Misspelled words will be turned into word games which will pop up on their screen. Points are awarded and are stored in the student's account. Misspelled words, along with words learned by the student, will also be tracked in the system so that parents and teachers can identify the specific words that each student is struggling with and which they have mastered.

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